
  • Certificate of Registration
    Document Preparation Services # NVDP20171191615
  • Nevada Business License
    # NV20222544282
  • Reno Business License
    # R147163A
  • Washoe Business License
    # W001601a-LIC

    Bond # 64594589

Statutes and Regulations

  • NRS 240A.030
    (Nevada Revised Statutes of Document Preparation Services)
  • 8 C.F.R.§1292.1(a)(4)
    (For those practicing before courts, We do not represent clients in court)
  • 8 C.F.R. § 1292.11
    (Recognition of Organizations that practice before Courts, DHS and Immigration Courts)
State Bar of Nevada
Must file complaint online
Department of Justice
Federal Trade Commission
We understand how delicate immigration forms are. We respect all our clients and have the upmost discretion when filing immigration forms. If for some reason our certifications have not removed your doubt in our good standing as document preparers, We invite you to see our certificates yourself at our office, OR you may call/email the Secretary of State, State Bar of Nevada, USCIS, or DOJ and file a complaint.